In conversation with Saimma Dyer & Fatimah Ashrif on RayFest and Sacred Feminine
Some years ago in Turkey, dear Sufi friend Saimma Dyer began to share about the Divine Feminine. At the time I recall a huge resistance. God up until then had been in my world a masculine God, a father figure and score keeper of how good or bad I had been.
The very idea that God might be feminine, was just so alien to the system. Over the years, Saimma joined by Fatimah Ashrif have created a beautiful space RAY which seeks to promote feminine spiritual wisdom to help realise God in all was, and to align with justice, truth and beauty.
Having attended RayFest, I echo the sentiments of other attendees. What is undeniable is beauty which unfolds. This and reclaiming a part of you which has always been there but which perhaps, like myself over the years you had lost touch with.
In conversation with Fatimah and Saimma, we explore Ray in more detail. We hear from contributors of Ray and Fatimah and Saimma weave together their experiences taking us on a journey into the hidden Feminine and the importance of women reclaiming their voices.
If you get an opportunity, join them this week-end (October 29th and 30th, 2022) for RAYfest22- Rise, Vocalise, Deepen.
““ Knowing our truth and the practice of speaking it out loud is profoundly spiritual. As we challenge the generational silencing of women and control of our bodies, we begin to heal our relationship with self, other, and the Divine. Join us for an inspiring online festival with women of spirit exploring our relationship with voice, the significance of nurturing our creativity, the sacred connection between voice and sexuality, and the various markers in this journey to authentic self-expression.””
The festival will offer workshops encouraging deeper connection to our voice and body, along with conversation, prayer, and music.
“Thank you seems an inadequate response to the sublime weekend that unfolded for me. It really was heartfelt special and I am deeply grateful that I had the opportunity to participate. The sensitivity, attention to detail and deep love that held the circle together was just beautiful.”
Timeline of conversation:
00:00 - 0:53 Introduction to Saimma Dyer & Fatimah Ashrif
Creators of Ray of God and Founders of RayFest
0:53 - 5:35 Overview and Intention of Ray of God
5:35 - 7:22 A festival for faith leaders of different traditions from around the world
7:22 - 13:22 Resistance from the Divine Feminine and the strong reactions it invokes from people
Creating a sacred space for women
13:22 - 17:20 Rev. Karen-Georgia Thompson shares the historical reference of the Divine Feminine in Christianity
“All being made in the Divine image” - The central piece on understanding who we are as a creation of God
The notion of God as masculine
Decolonizing and diminishing the patriarchal ways of understanding women. The female presence, female leadership, and power…
17:20 - 18:48 Unseen work of women and what is not talked about
18:48 - 23:47 The Divine in women
Acknowledging and honoring the Divine Feminine
Impact of colonialism on suppressing the feminine within and aspiring the masculine qualities
23:47 - 29:22 Reclaiming the voice of women
The Feminist Islamic Troublemakers of North America (FITNA)
A call to prayer in a woman’s voice
“If you exist, you can do the Azan”
29:22 - 33:15 Rabbi Jill Hammer on mystical traditions
What is “Shekinah”?
33:15 - 39:37 Being awakened through the Divine Feminine
Is the Divine Feminine intentionally hidden?..
39:37 - 47:16 T The patriarchal structure’s masculine dominance
47:16 - 52:00 Resistance to all change…
52:00 - 58:06 Dr. Amina Wadud shares how she owned her title
How she claimed her voice while integrating the feminine and the masculine aspects
Why is naming important?
58:06 - 1:04:55 The creation of the RayFest and feminine retreats
Sharing the feminine spiritual wisdom
1:04:55 - 1:12:15 The power of naming
1:12:15 - 1:14:25 Finding our voice
How do we use it discerningly?
What is required from us?
1:14:25 - 1:27:21 Is there really a dark side to the feminine?
Toxic attributes of women
The insecurity caused by the patriarchal system in women
Bringing out the collaborative spirit and women empowerment
1:27:21 - 1:29:24 Power Over Paradigms
1:29:24 - 1:32:47 Rachel Rose Reid shares the healing of sound
1:32:47 - 1:36:14 Music in RayFest
Connecting through listening
1:36:14 - 1:45:50 Mother Mary
Her message, strength and so much more…
1:45:50 - 1:48:39 Are there men in the Ray of God?