In Conversation with Dame Sandra Biskind on Transformation
Sandra Biskind is a global thought leader, international speaker, spiritual mentor and #1bestselling author. She has a unique gift to identify and eradicate the unconscious programs that undermine success.
Dame Sandra Biskind chats to Tazeen about the PLATINUM life system, her co-authored CODEBREAKER book and Lifewave Energy Patch Technology.
They delve deep into sufism, explore where true transformation lies, and which 4 questions can bring instant shift no matter what the brain is "thinking."
Her unconditional love, joy and radiance fills the room. She is the real deal and I highly recommend her and her work.” -- Jack Canfield
Dame Sana Biskind in conversation with Tazeen Dhunna on lasting life transformation and a system that if followed will quantum leap you into a new personal reality
In Conversation with Dame Sandra Biskind Timecodes:
00:00- 02:00: Introduction to Dame Sandra Biskind
02:00- 04:15: Dame Sandra Biskind’s on Sufism and her love for God
04:15- 08:40: On the Divine Feminine, Love in Action and clearing out DNA programmes
08:40- 10:39: Sandra discusses her co-authored book CODEBREAKERS- a mind training system
10:39- 15:03: Fear v Love - How the PLATINUM Life System can allow breakthroughs in the ego mind. Master
15:03- 21:53: Solving unconscious programming through Real Radical Personal Responsibility
21:53- 30:00: Quantum time travel
30:00- 33:36: Coming into brain coherence through owning your own integrated wholeness and taming the ego puppy
33:36- 36:28: How people’s businesses transform through PLATINUM
36:28- 38.11: How to blend the spiritual with the 3D
38.11- 42:59: The 4 questions to master your frequency
42:59- 49:00: Real Radical Response-Ability, how Rumi & Hafiz hit directly to the heart
49:00- 49:40: Awakening with Rumi to Love through true humility
49:40-56:00: How do you know if PLATINUM for you?
56:00- 1:01:35: Lifewave Technology Energy Patches
For more information on Dame Sandra Biskind and her mentioned free meditations:
For more information on Tazeen’s 10 week trasnfroamtional coaching offering, see:, drop her a line for a complimentary 1-1 coaching session and experience the shift for yourself.