In Conversation with Chidiogo Akunyili
One year later in a lockdown as Mother Nature births another Spring, I’ve been reflecting on what our time in a forced introspection has brought humanity and what are the lessons being birthed individually and collectively?
On the flip side of the cloud, there has been an emergence of a lot of spaces for connection.
For several years, this one has been pulled (sometimes kicking and screaming) to her inner child wounding. As someone who began a career on a male dominated trading floor at Merrill Lynch took, I was unconsciously surprising the feminine energies within and instead strengthening my masculines energies to survive what felt like a jungle. Slowly and gradually, over the years, it’s been the energy of the Divine Feminine that has allowed this one, as well as many others globally to root down, receive, heal and realign.
Someone I was blessed to connect with in 2020 is Chidiogo. Founder of SheRoars, Chidiogo’s work (see is based on the African philosophy of “Ubuntu- I am because we are.” In our conversation, she shares with us how Ubunutu took on an even bigger meaning over 2020/2021.
As generational and human wounding was thrown up collectively, (from women stepping up as well as black live’s matter), for her 2020 was “the year we got to see our shadows, our pains, our fears more fully and also began to see the potential of when it’s met in the self and breathe in something new and different knowing that we need each other and can’t do this alone. “
Through reconnecting with Mother Nature and the stillness within, Chidiogo supports women to reconnect with their voices inside. so they can be rooted and strong as well as soft and flexible. With her we explore the Divine Feminine, Patriarchy and whether women pull each other down or build each other up.
Through helping humanity reconnect to themselves, she believes we can more powerfully choose
how can I live today in a way that blesses my day?
how can I live today in a way that blesses myself?
how can I live today in a way that blesses the other?
and as a result, we can collectively become more conscious of our contributions.
Be as a willow tree
A conversation with Chidiogo:
00:00- 05:11
Healing through lockdown
Intensified interconnectedness
Fears and potential of Love
05:11- 09:00 The inner meaning of “Ubuntu”- “I am because we are”
09:00- 16:20 The cycles and the stillness? Doing versus Being. Finding Balance
16:20- 20:33 A time in need of 1000 buddahs, Find the saints within yourself
20:33- 24:59
Reconnecting with the feminine and open to the Healing to bring balance to the masculine and feminine
Find your own centre and strength
25:00- 30:50
How fear of judgement keeps us from unconditional love
Love starts with you
30:50- 38:00
Patriarchy and the wounded Feminine
Ancestral Trauma
Do women uphold each other or pull each other down?
Rooting and receiving
45:20-48:37 SheRoars - Acknowledge the power within.
For more information on Tazeen’s 10 week trasnfroamtional coaching offering, see:, drop her a line for a complimentary 1-1 coaching session and experience the shift for yourself.