In Conversation with Kabir Helminski on "In the House of Remembering"


“So Tazeen, what exactly is Sufism?”.. to anyone curious about the tradition and wanting to learn more about Rumi, this is for you!

Over the years, the heart’s love and deep reverence for teachers Kabir and Camille Helminski has grown exponentially. Their work through  the formation of Threshold Society and teachings from the Mevlevi Path of Sufism following the lineage of Rumi, bring heart and life affirming transformation. 

So why do we today need a spritiual path today? And how can it support us in our ability to respond to the world around us?  Does it improve our own level of response-ability?

In his latest book, “In the House of Remembering – The Living Tradition of Sufi Teaching” Kabir Helminski shares“There’s a deeper yearning operating within humans who undertake a spiritual practice. There is something else calling us. These things are part of a bigger whole… The soul’s longing for a state of perfection to join with an ideal that is timeless and spaceless and includes the ultimate freedom to just expand, to merge with all that is…………

……….There’s a transformative power that exists in the nature of Reality. There is something that can almost miraculously transform human beings. We need that. It’s within ourselves, yes, but not as ourselves. It is not there as an object. This is a subtle, metaphysical distinction.”

Inspired through the hearts of students along the Path, this book gives you a very intimate experience into the heart of the Mevlevi community and it is with the utmost gratitude and joy I share this conversation with you.

 I have found the Soul of sole,

let this soul of mine be taken.

I’ve forgotten gain and loss,

let this shop of mine be plundered.

I’ve been passed beyond my very self,

I’ve removed the veils before me.

I am together with the Friend,

let these doubts of mine fall away.
